May 2024

Just off to Liverpool for a few days. A new article about co-production, and two papers for the BILD PBS conference have been added. The first book has now been translated into Turkish and Modern Chinese (I'm told).


January 2024

A week in western Czechia in March to teach masterclasses and give lectures at universities; a week in eastern Czechia in July speaking about neurodiversity, PBS and practice leadership; the Czech translation of the first book done; stepping back from UK mentoring and supervisions to concentrate on European work; a BILD lecture on Really Being Person-Centred; a North Wales Together community of practice presentation; ongoing stuff in Malta; lectures in Norway; BILD's PBS conference in Liverpool in May – a workshop and a keynote on practice leadership


May 2023

A busy time recently, with a lot of preparation for work in the Czech Republic next year, along with a BILD keynote, and teaching for VID Oslo, and plenty of mentoring. I've added a couple of new resources, too.


October 2022

Most of October will be spent working in Malta.

I'm heading to Norway in May 2023.


June 2022

Having completed a few lectures for some European colleagues, I'm pleased to say that my books are being translated into Norwegian and Czech.


March 2022

The Practice Leadership book is now available. It's been a long time coming!


January 2022

A great deal is happening in terms of Other Writing. In 2022 I will also be teaching on practice leadership and challenging behaviour in various places.


October 2021

No turkeys for Christmas, no fuel, no let-up in energy price hikes, no HGV drivers, empty food shelves, if you read the British papers.

But look, here's the book cover of my second book, due out March next year. Which in the scheme of things isn't much, but I'm a bit chuffed.




May 2021

I'm very pleased to say that Jessica Kingsley have accepted the manuscript. I'm excited to be working with the JKP team once again. To get a solo book published takes a while; there's editing and the usual checks to be performed. But it's on its way. We hope to have it out in March 2022.



January 2021

Well, last year was weird. I hope you're keeping well and safe.

A manuscript for a second book is being considered by Jessica Kingsley Publishers right now. It deals with the need for practice leadership to effectively organise services for people, and why services and commissioners struggle with leadership. It's a little forthright, so we'll see how the publishers feel.

If this goes ahead I'll begin work on a third non-fiction book concerning meltdowns in family situations.

Other than that, I've some work planned in Norway, and will hopefully be able to visit Malta and Singapore this year in order to teach and consult. See 'Other Writing' for news of a different ilk.



August 2020

I've just completed a Zoom seminar on behalf of the Autism Resource Centre in Singapore to some six-hundred people. We're just agreeing future work, too.

I'll be presenting a brief overview of the psychology of challenging behaviour in September to a new venture in Malta.

I've completed a radio interview about writing & challenging behaviour.


April 2020

Who'd have thought retirement could be so busy?

My first challenging behaviour book is doing well (and been adopted on a University module). By the end of the year, a follow-up  should be ready for submission, too.